Recently one of my blog readers said to another, “He should write a book!” It was then that I realized I had gone overboard in my efforts to avoid pushing my book into the faces of my readers. Little did I know that some would not see the book for the blog posts. So here we go . . .
If you, or someone you know, struggles with belief in God, dislikes the God concept you inherited, and/or seeks sound intellectual reasons to believe in the existence of God, then Slices of God may be a timely gift.
Being a scientist and intellectual, I needed more reasons to believe than, “because the Bible says so.” If God, who supposedly put the universe into motion, did so with the laws of motion Sir Isaac Newton discovered and Albert Einstein refined, then mathematics alone should be enough to verify the existence of such a deity.
Thus began a 15 year journey of collecting and processing mathematical, scientific, logical, philosophical, and mystical evidences, placing them into three categories: the strange, the dimensional, and the fractal natures of the universe. Slices of God unveils the entanglement of these categories with each other and with sentient beings like us. It deduces characteristics of an infinite God, traits that reside outside religious dogma.
The book is a journey in and of itself. It includes entertaining narratives of a young man on a quest for answers to questions birthed by the universe itself. Most significantly, the journey becomes the destination.
This season, give the gift that never ends: the gift of belief. Slices of God: Strange, Dimensional, and Fractal Perspectives on God and the Cosmos is available in paperback and Kindle versions from Amazon. Click the picture below for a link to the book and its reviews.
Bon Voyage!
-Sam Augsburger